Special Video Presentation:

KYR Legal Counsel, Jason Vaughn, talks about the escalation clause in contracts (KY); specifically, what they include, when they should be used, and why a seller may not want to accept one.


Legal Hotline Video Series

The Legal Hotline Video Series is a monthly video series focusing on a legal topic of interest direct from the KYR Legal Hotline, a service provided to all members as a benefit of belonging to the state Association. These videos cover some of the most commonly asked questions and relevant topics applicable to legal compliance for real estate professionals, brokerages, and REALTOR® associations.

Featuring KYR Legal Counsel, Jason Vaughn, the videos provide in-depth explanations and resources to ensure you are keeping it legal in your everyday real estate practice. These videos are for the exclusive use of members of Kentucky REALTORS®.


Trimming Trees Growing Over Your Property


Legal Questions



Six documents you should have before your client signs a contract with a builder

Resource: List of 6 documents with explanations



How one sentence can potentially save a client from being sued over a repair request

Resource: Language for the vendor contract to protect buyers and sellers



When a seller refuses to sign the Seller Disclosure Form



Three types of fraud to know about in real estate transactions



How does Kentucky law deal with “risk of loss”?



How does a written request of affirmation of offer submission work?



What a contract release does and what you should know about it.